Do you have a High Performing Team??

Brent Szalay

A happy, productive and motivated team ensures you have happy, satisfied and loyal clients. So, why is it that we often miss the mark in creating and keeping an A team?

Here are 4 areas pivotal to building a High Performance Team:

  1. Motivation and Engagement
  2. Clarity in Roles & Responsibilities
  3. Continuous Internal Training
  4. Organisational Fit
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Motivation & Engagement

How much time do you spend doing tasks you love doing? If the answer is often or mostly, then chances are you are motivated and engaged in your work and that is a key indicator to your efficiency, productivity and overall motivation in your role.

On the other hand, what if you spend most of your time at work doing tasks you don’t like, or even despise. Motivation will be non-existent and chances of you staying in that role for a long period of time would be low.

In every role there will be tasks that you dislike completing or don’t really care for and that’s ok. No role is ‘perfect’ and affords you only tasks you love. Even a passionate Advertising Agency Director who spends majority of their day immersed in creative marketing campaigns has to tally their books, a task they dislike and find tedious. Its about finding a balance and having an abundance of things that you thrive on, because the rest will become insignificant.

It’s not only important to have tasks that you enjoy completing in your role, you must also ensure you are playing to your strengths.

Too often managers focus on improving an employee’s weakness, an area to improve on. But in reality it takes that much more energy develop an area of weakness and the improvement is often limited.

Choosing to capitalise on staff members strengths is a sure fire way to not only keep them motivated and engaged, but get the most out of them and therefore increase their efficiency and contribution to the business.

Clarity in Roles & Responsibilities

Without clear roles, responsibilities and therefore goals, you will have no purpose. And without purpose you may find yourself unmotivated and feeling ‘useless’ in your role.

Most of us need a purpose to come to work, a reason to get out of bed. And for most that needs to be more than coming to work to complete a pile of ‘tasks’. People want to feel connected, to understand how by completing these tasks they are contributing to the team’s goals and the business as a whole.

Continuous Internal Training

Whether it’s on boarding, upskilling or just general professional development, training should never stop, no matter someone’s experience.

Every step should be taken to ensure staff are fully across all aspects of their agreed role so they can complete tasks efficiently and with unnecessary stress.

Everyone, at every level require training, especially in internal processes, so don’t just focus on your junior team, senior staff need guidance too.

Organisational Fit

Culture, culture, culture. It’s a constant talking point in the modern work environment, and rightly so.

Imagine working for a company that harmed animals in the process of making its product, and you were an animal activist… It would be hard to give your all to an organisation, your energy, time and skills, if you didn’t believe in its values.

Organisational culture is so many things, first and foremost the companies value system, but culture is so much more than just the businesses values. It’s the businesses entire essence.

Does the organisations voice speak to you, do you have similar personalities, is the office space a place you want to be? If you fit the organisation and the organisation fits you, your chances for high performance are, well high.

What if you have the wrong team?

Chances are if you feel someone ‘doesn’t fit’ or isn’t performing, they probably feel it to. And although performance managing someone, or possibly letting them go can be the most challenging role of a manager, you are doing your business an injustice if you keep them on.

Most organisations have staff members that ‘don’t fit’ either their job or the organisation. The number one reason for this is because these key areas of job motivation & fit and organisational fit were not included as part of the hiring process.

Although someone may be capable of completing a role in your organisation, is important to find out if they want to. Because having a team of people who are motivated, engaged and want to come work will be ‘Your High Performing Team.’

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